
Source files are UTF-8, which means identifiers can contain special characters.

int föö(int 蝴蝶) { return 蝴蝶 * 2; }


The builtin D type string is just an immutable char array. However, if you iterate over it, dchar code points are returned. This often leads to confusion.

I’m curious, why is the .front property of narrow strings of type dchar? And not the underlying character type for the string. – TheFlyingFiddle

For another example, it results in the following different lengths.

string foo = "bär";
assert(foo.length == 4);
assert(walkLength(foo) == 3);
Wouldn’t it be more consistent to have <string>.length return the number of UTF-8 characters as well? – nickles

This seems to be a weird design choice at first, but once you learn more about Unicode it is the only sane choice if you also care about performance. To understand this some background of Unicode is necessary.

Code Point
One Unicode character, a number between 0 and 1,114,112. The Unicode standard defines the meaning of these numbers.
An encoding specifies how to represent code points in bytes.
Code Unit
Depending on the encoding a code point might be split into multiple units. For example, in UTF-8 one code unit is one byte and the code point ä (U+00E4) above consists of two units (in hexcode) c3 a4.
One character as humans perceive it. Unicode allows to combine code points. For example ä (U+00E4) can also be produced with a (U+0061) followed by the combining diaeresis code point (U+0308). These combining characters can be used for crazy things.

What people usually want to count are graphemes, but this is only possible with all the knowledge of the Unicode tables. Counting the code points only requires knowledge of the encoding. Counting the bytes is only a lookup in D, since array lengths are stored in memory. To keep string consistent with the char-array semantics, the length attribute gives the number of char elements.

The current design has “won” not only because it’s the existing one, but also because it has good simplicity and flexibility advantages. At this point there is no question about changing the semantics of existing constructs. ~ Andrei Alexandrescu

Note that char is defined as “unsigned 8 bit UTF-8” and this is also ubyte as “unsigned 8 bits”. The “UTF-8” cements the fact that D assumes UTF-8 encoding.


Since not everything your program consumes is UTF-8, D also provides wstring for UTF-16 and dstring for UTF-32. In the case of dstring the length attribute also reflects the number of code points. The standard library provides the std.encoding module for conversion.

wstring ws;
transcode("hello world",ws);
  // transcode from UTF-8 to UTF-16

Latin1String ls;
transcode(ws, ls);
  // transcode from UTF-16 to ISO-8859-1

As source files are UTF-8, string literals are UTF-8 as well. The wstring type is UTF-16, and transcode identifies source and target encoding from the types of its arguments.